Cazimi in a Natal chart

Hello everyone! In this video I continue talking about cazimi in traditional astrology.

To review, cazimi occurs whenever a planet is conjoined the Sun within a degree (not 16 minutes). When the planet is so closely conjoined the Sun, it becomes very powerful and gains a great deal of authority in the sky.

In a natal chart, any cazimi planets will become much more powerful and take up a lot more authority in the natal chart. I explain in the video that cazimi planets almost “become the Sun.” in the natal chart - inasmuch as they have been elevated to the throne. This will affect the psychologial significations of the planet, as well as the destiny and big picture outcomes of the individual’s life path that the Sun usually has authority over. It also makes the houses that the planet rules a lot more powerful.

To see cazimi in action in a natal chart, you can see me go through Alan Watt’s natal chart so you can see for yourself how cazimi shows up in the life of a noteworthy individual.
