Unshackling our Spirits - Solar Eclipse in Aries 2024

The moon wanes ever further day after day, retreating from the place of her eclipse and approaching her consort the Sun, towards the first solar eclipse of the year. We now occupy the interstitial time between the eclipses - the liminal, transitionary period where we manage the fallout of one major celestial moment while preparing ourselves for the next.

This solar eclipse will occur in Aries, the diurnal abode of Mars, on Monday, april 8th, at 2:20pm eastern time. I wish all my readership a safe, productive eclipse season!

At its core, a solar eclipse carries the same significations as a standard new moon: as the heavenly queen is reborn in the fires of the Sun, the whole world experiences an energetic reset, this is a time to cleanse, revitalize, start afresh, and renew your spirit. For this reason, the eclipse remains a good time for purifying the psyche of unwanted old habits, setting new, uplifting intentions for the next cycle, and reinvigorating ourselves with enthusiasm for life.

But unlike a new moon, the solar eclipse also brings loss and disruption to our lives. The parts of our lives touched on by this alignment are, simply put, eclipsed: we often experience disruptions, changes, and some sort of loss as old patterns, behaviors, and relationships fall away in order to make room for new growth. For this reason, eclipses often carry more sinister overtones, and stories of the Sun being nearly devoured by twisted demons or dragons abound throughout the mythologies of the world. While eclipses aren’t evil in a moral sense, they do cause serious changes to our lives, and should be managed with a certain level of gravity.

Because they tend to stir up so much in our lives, spiritual practices and meditations done during eclipses are said to have greatly magnified effects. Psychologically, so much more gunk arises from the subconscious that spiritual disciplines can heal and integrate; externally, spiritual practices ensure that we respond to these major transitions in our lives in the best possible way, and achieve the cleanest, clearest outcomes. If we treat eclipses with mindfulness and respect, we can set ourselves up for a great deal of good fortune in the long run.

This eclipse occurs in the fiery, initiatory, bellicose sign of Aries. Traditional astrologers associate Aries with victory, self-interest, and quick action - it mirrors the metaphorical victory and achievement of the Sun over the darkness of winter at the spring equinox.

Because aries, at its core, represents the sweeping victory of the Sun over the darkness, Aries is ruled by Mars, the god of war. Many of Aries themes and tropes revolve and around wartime and success in war - defeating obstacles, overcoming enemies, and pursuing achievement and success in a single-minded fashion. Aries’ wisdom lies in the ability to discern exactly what you want and muster the strength, willpower, and courage to claim it for yourself at all costs.

When the new moon occurs in Aries, we are vested with the power we need to create quick, fast-acting change in our lives. As the exaltation of the Sun, Aries awakens us to the desires and intentions of our truest, spiritual selves, and bestows the power and inspiration needed to act on them. The true will of the soul is revealed to us in greater clarity, and we are given a clear path forward to align ourselves with that will. Obstacles to your mission and purpose become intolerable and offensive, and you become filled with righteous indignation to break through them once and for all.

As this an eclipse, the blockages, obstacles, and resistances that we have to our spirits’ wills become much more pronounced. Far more unconscious refuse and resistance is brought to the surface. You may find old habits resurfacing to be eliminated once and for all, or a chronic issue or struggle you’ve had that you know isn’t doing your psyche any favors will finally become intolerable enough for you to let it go.

Darkness and shadows that test our spirit’s resolve arise both within and without, whether we like it or not. You may find yourself uncovering the real issues or traumas underneath a particular behavior or pattern. A habit you have avoided dropping, or a task that you have avoided completing, may stir pain and discomfort during this time that forces you to resolve it once and for all. Ultimately, the pains that arise during this period are meant to force you to make the changes you need in order for your spirit to flourish.

There are no direct aspects occurring to the Sun and Moon during this eclipse. However, it is happening simultaneously with two other rather challenging alignments to make this more challenging. The first is the whole-sign conjunction to a retrograding Mercury. Mercury-related kerfuffles are more likely to occur immediately preceding and following the eclipse. This leads to greater levels of frustration, irritation, and emotional volatility. People are likely to become infuriated with each other and their circumstances. The challenges are more likely to create disagreements, arguments, and fights.

We also have a Mars-Saturn conjunction in Pisces during this sign. Stress, aggravation, and impediments are far more likely to arise. All the things slowing us down and getting in our way intensify, and they create great amounts of stress. Anger and volatility become far more common. This aspect perfects on the 10th, shortly after the eclipse. Pay very close attention to the house it transits in your own chart.

Examine the house placement in which this occurs to get a better sense of what to expect in your own life. If you are an Aries rising, it will occur in your 1st house of your body and psyche. Something in your home and living situation will have to die so that you can move forward with this resolve to do what you need to. If you are Cancer rising, look to the 10th house - some big shifts will be happening with your career.

As I said above, eclipses are some of the best times for extended prayer, meditation, and reflection. Spiritual practices done during this period are said to be magnified and more effective, in part because of the inescapable shadows that the eclipse forces you to confront.

If you are able to do a fast, or spend extended time in contemplation or solitude, I highly recommend it. Traditional wisdom tells us to avoid going outside during an eclipse. This just makes the already-challenging celestial configuration more difficult than it needs to be. If you must go outside, place black tourmaline and/or protective plants like juniper, cedar, or kusha grass in your pockets. Take a salt bath upon your return.

You have the opportunity to clear a remarkable amount of obstacles and impediments to your spirit’s intention during this time. Don’t let your shadows keep you from fulfilling your dharma, achieving your destiny, and living the life that your spirit has come here to live. Let yourself be angry at these chains that would limit you. Vanquish these adversaries to your spirit’s success and your psyche’s happiness once and for all.

In doing so, you will release shackles both internal and external that obstruct your own joy. You will leave behind impediments to your spiritual path, and step more fully into a life of fulfillment and wholeness. And the only thing that will be eclipsed are the shackles to your own success.